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Връзки за сваляне на различни книжки

Започната от NO CARRIER, 19.03.2007 15:03

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Julian Sprung, J. Charles Delbeek:
The Reef Aquarium: A Comprehensive Guide to the Identification and Care of Tropical Marine Invertebrates (Vol 2)
Pages: 546 | PDF | Two Little Fishes :1997-06-15 | ISBN 1883693136 | 128Mb

This second volume in the series features the anemones and soft corals associated with reefs, detailing their biology and husbandry requirements, and featuring numerous species descriptions, with the benefit of wonderful color photographs. Also featured is new information regarding parasites in reef aquariums, and captive culture of anemones and soft corals. The book finishes with another section featuring more stunning images of reef aquariums around the world.

Файл: TheReefAquarium-v2.part1.rar
Линк за свалянe: http://tranz.it/load.php?id=OjPRbMQrCOj0Wsjz206014
Файл: TheReefAquarium-v2.part2.rar
Линк за свалянe: http://tranz.it/load.php?id=H2MbWPYZ6ShxGTFa206015
Файл: TheReefAquarium-v2.part3.rar
Линк за свалянe: http://tranz.it/load.php?id=hAitfCxkriOGfRHQ206017

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


John H. Tullock "Freshwater Aquarium Models: Recipes for Creating Beautiful Aquariums That Thrive"
Published by Howell Book House | November 2006 | ISBN: 047004425X | PDF Format, 307 pages | English | 5.2 MB

This book shows you step-by-step and fish-by-fish how to create a beautiful, harmonious aquarium that mimics a natural habitat and fosters healthy fish and plant life. It includes more than eighty detailed recipes for aquariums of different types and sizes, specific aquarium model designs, the basics of aquarium setup and maintenance, and a 16-page color catalog of fish and plant varieties.
Living works of art, freshwater aquariums bring nature inside. They're fascinating, soothing, and mesmerizing, but designing and creating an aquarium can be time-consuming.
This book shows you step-by-step and fish-by-fish how to create a beautiful, harmonious aquarium that mimics a natural habitat and fosters healthy fish and plant life. It includes:
More than 80 detailed recipes for aquariums of different types and sizes, depicting a variety of natural freshwater environments from five continents
Specific aquarium model designs in which fish and plants flourish, maintenance is easy, and the aquarium enhances the home
Design considerations, including space limitations, backgrounds, and aquascaping ideas
A 16-page color insert that's an inspiring catalog of fish and plant varieties
The basics of aquarium setup and maintenance
With these model designs and this information, your fish and plants will coexist beautifully in their freshwater habitat and your aquarium will provide years of captivating, calming enjoyment.

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Joseph Smartt "Goldfish Varieties and Genetics: Handbook for Breeders"
Published by Blackwell Science | January 1991 | ISBN: 0852382650 | PDF Format, 234 pages | English | 8 MB


The goldfish, Carassius auratus, a member of the Carp family, Cyprinidae, has been domesticated for many hundreds of years, as a food fish, a laboratory animal and now most important commercially, for ornamental and aesthetic purposes. There are now many scores of recognised varieties, which have been produced over time by selection processes and other methods described in detail in this stimulating book.
Goldfish Varieties and Genetics covers all major aspects relating to goldfish breeding and genetics in a readable and user-friendly style. An account is presented of the domestication and evolution of the goldfish, including comprehensive details of the relevant genetic and biological principles involved in the development strategies and production of new varieties. The book also covers the subject of goldfish appreciation and the international significance of goldfish shows and show standards. The book concludes with an exciting forward look at the potential evolutionary future for the goldfish.
This important and timely book brings together, for the first time, a wealth of scientific information, presented in a clear and understandable manner by Dr Joseph Smartt, who has many years' experience working in fish genetics and breeding. The book is a must-have purchase for all serious goldfish breeders, hobbyists and dealers, fish biologists and geneticists, aquarium keepers and aquaculture personnel.

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Gregory Skomal, Ph.D. "Saltwater Aquarium: Your Happy Healthy Pet, 2nd Edition"
Published by Howell Book House - Wiley | August 2006 | ISBN: 0470037954 | PDF Format, 129 pages | English | 6.4 MB

The authoritative information and advice you need to set-up your saltwater aquarium, illustrated throughout with full-color photographs--now revised and redesigned to be even more reader-friendly!
A saltwater aquarium provides a soothing, ever-changing mini seascape of color and motion. But saltwater fish require a constant, controlled environment.
How do you set up and maintain a tank and select the right fish from more than 12,000 varieties? How do you care for marine fish?
This updated guide provides the facts and advice you need and includes:
• Info on choosing, equipping, and setting up your aquarium
• Pointers on choosing compatible fish for a community tank
• The scoop on the best (and worst) fish for beginners
• Guidance on maintaining your aquarium and keeping your fish healthy


James B. McClintock and Bill J. Baker "Marine Chemical Ecology"
Published by CRC Press | June 2001 | ISBN: 0849390648 | PDF Format, 626 pages | English | 6.1 MB

The interdisciplinary field of marine chemical ecology is an expanding and dynamic science. It is no surprise that the breadth of marine organisms studied expanded in concert with developments in underwater technology. With its up-to-date subject reviews by experts, Marine Chemical Ecology is the most current, comprehensive book on the subject.
The interdisciplinary field of marine chemical ecology is an expanding and dynamic science. It is no surprise that the breadth of marine organisms studied expanded in concert with developments in underwater technology. With its up-to-date subject reviews by experts, Marine Chemical Ecology is the most current, comprehensive book on the subject.
The book provides cellular, physiological, organismal, evolutionary, and applied perspectives creating a high-resolution snapshot of the field at the start of the 21st century. The introductory section provides a broad phylogenic overview of marine organic chemistry. With its emphasis on evolutionary, ecological, and biosynthetic considerations, it sets a foundation for the chapters that follow. The second section takes an organismal approach to understanding the role of secondary metabolites in mediating trophic interrelationships. Section three reviews cellular and physiological aspects of marine chemical ecology. The final section discusses practical applications. Fully detailed with figures, tables, and chemical structural diagrams, the book's coverage spans aspects of marine ecology from molecular to community levels, bridging diverse disciplines.
Written by an international panel, Marine Chemical Ecology provides a conceptual synthesis and overview of the discipline. You get an integrated perspective of the current state of the field, and its future.

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.



Название: Аквариум № 6, 2008
Автор: коллектив
Формат: PDF
Размер: 49 Mb
Язык: русский

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Дизайн аквариума. Планировка, оформление, выбор растений
Русский перевод книги корифея аквариумистики Кристель Кассельман, посвященной дизайну аквариума.
В этой книге автор делится своим 25-летним опытом работы с аквариумными рстениями. Особое внимание обращено на планировку, подготовку и поэтапное оформление аквариума. Автор дает ценные советы по правильному подбору аквариумных растений и уходу за ними.

Автор: Кассельман Кристель
Издательство: М. Аквариум
Год: 2008
Страниц: 157
Формат: DJVU
Размер файла: 26,14 Мб

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Случайно ако някой  има някоя друга книжка на Takashi Amano освен Aquarium Plant Paradise,  да вземе да качи,ей така като коледен подарък *thanks


Все об аквариумных растениях

В книге в алфавитном порядке приводятся описания более 250 видов аквариумных растений. Информация о каждом из них включает латинские и русские названия, сведения о природном ареале, скорости роста, а также требования к температуре, жесткости и кислотности воды. В конце издания обсуждаются проблемы выбора и посадки растений, необходимого освещения и грунта. Приводятся списки видов, рекомендованных для выращивания в холодноводных, умеренных и тепловодных аквариумах, а также видов для посадки на переднем, среднем и заднем планах. Книга поможет вам выбрать аквариумные растения для определенного типа аквариума.

Автор: Раделова С.Ю.
Издательство: ООО "СЗКЭО "Кристалл"
Год: 2007
Страниц: 130
Формат: PDF
ISBN: 978-5-9603-0068-1
Качество: хорошее
Размер файла: 8 Мб

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


http://aquaterra.in.ua/ много интересни книжки. Да не правя копия на линковете, на който каквото му хареса, моля.
Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Aquarium Designs Inspired by Nature
by Peter Hiscock


Product Description
This lavishly photo-filled volume demonstrates that having an aquarium to be proud of means much more than keeping fish in a glass tank. The aquarium enthusiast who takes his hobby seriously reproduces a part of the aquatic natural environment in miniature inside his home. Author Peter Hiscock offers practical instructions on setting up a freshwater tropical aquarium. He describes substrate, aquarium plants, and appropriate combinations of fish. Much of this book focuses on fish and plant life in nature, and then offers details on replicating natural settings in the aquarium. Both plants and fish varieties are shown in vivid color photos and described in detail. More than 450 color photos and illustrations.

About the Author
Peter Hiscock trained at Sparsholt College in Hampshire, one of the U.K.'s leading schools for aquatic studies. He has published widely on fish behavior and aquarium keeping. Among his other books published in North America by Barron's are A Practical Guide to Choosing Aquarium Plants and A Practical Guide to Creating and Maintaining Water Quality.

Product Details
    * Hardcover: 208 pages
    * Publisher: Barron's Educational Series (May 2003)
    * Language: English
    * ISBN-10: 0764155490
    * ISBN-13: 978-0764155499
    * Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 9.2 x 0.8 inches

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Книжката, с разпознат текст (OCR-ната), работи търсенето:


Искам да изкажа благодарности на Людмил за сканирането и разпознаването на текста.  *DRINK*
Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Пресноводные водоросли (Определитель)

Название: Пресноводные водоросли (Определитель)
Автор: А. А. Гуревич
Издательство: Москва. "Просвещение"
Год: 1966
Страниц: 112, с илл.
Формат: djvu
Размер: 3,24 mb
Качество: хорошее
Язык: русский
От издателя
Настоящая работа является попыткой создания автора на основании своего опыта простого и доступного определителя, который преследует учебные цели.
В нем дается описание 93 родов зеленых, сине-зеленых, диатомовых и других групп водорослей, широко распространенных в континентальных водоемах нашей страны.

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Edward Branson, "Fish Welfare"
Wiley-Blackwell | 2008 | ISBN: 140514629X | 316 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB

Fish have the same stress response and powers of nociception as mammals. Their behavioural responses to a variety of situations suggest a considerable ability for higher level neural processing – a level of consciousness equivalent perhaps to that attributed to mammals.
Each chapter of this book has been written by specialists in their field. The subject matter is wide ranging and covers in detail concepts of animal welfare in addition to more specific aspects of fish welfare. Philosophical concepts of welfare are discussed along with more practical areas of fish welfare encompassing all husbandry and management activities that have a potential to affect the welfare of the fish in our care.
This book is an essential purchase for fish veterinarians, fish farmers, fish biologists and those involved in the aquaculture industry and its regulation.

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


С. В. Кудрявцев, В. Е. Фролов, А. В. Королев "Террариум и его обитатели (обзор видов и содержание в неволе)"
Москва. "Лесная промышленность" | 1991 | ISBN: 571200182 | 352 страниц | djvu | 16 MB

Предлагаемая читателю книга уникальна. На основе своего опыта, обзора отечественной и зарубежной литературы авторы рассказывают о содержании амфибий и рептилий в неволе - о кормлении, правилах ухода, профилактике болезней, их диагностике и лечении. Специальные разделы посвящены инвентарю террариумиста, лечению амфибий и рептилий, их транспортировке.Для любителей-террариумистов. Заинтересует всех, кто занимается содержанием амфибий и рептилий в неволе.

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Растения для водоемов
Название: Растения для водоемов
Автор: Коновалова Т.Ю., Шевырева Н.А.
Издательство: ЗАО "Фитон+"
Год: 2006
Страниц: 160
Формат: PDF
Размер: 27.1 мб
ISBN: 5-93457-111-7
Качество: 300 dpi (4% на восстановление)
Язык: русский
От издательства:
Водоем, декорированный растениями, становится все более популярным элементом садового дизайна. Чтобы такой водоем выглядел естественно и в то же время нарядно, важно правильно подобрать растения - водные или приспособленные к повышенной влажности почвы. Все многообразие таких растений и их декоративных форм и сортов представлено в книге «Растения для водоемов».
Квалифицированные специалисты, сотрудники Главного ботанического сада РАН Т. Ю. Коновалова и Н. А. Шевырева делятся с читателями опытом по ключевым вопросам агротехники водных растений: выбору зоны размещения, способам посадки, особенностям ухода и размножения. Рекомендации авторов помогут увлеченным садоводам сориентироваться в современном ассортименте растений, правильно выбрать посадочный материал для любого типа водоема и нужной климатической зоны. Авторы также рассказывают, из каких материалов и как устроить водоем, какими аксессуарами его декорировать. Живые обитатели водного пространства также не будут обделены вниманием.
Эта книга - надежный источник информации о водной и прибрежной флоре и руководство по декорированию различных типов водоемов. Издание прекрасно иллюстрировано.

Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.

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