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Marimo Balls

Започната от puhcho, 05.07.2007 15:26

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Excellent decoration on your otherwise plain aquarium floor. It's a cute and easy plant.
The Japanese believe that Marimo will bring good luck. Hence, they grow it in a glass bottle with just some water & ceiling light. Water change is only required once every 2 weeks.

Marimo is a very popular plant in Japan. Currently protected by the authorities to prevent extinction.
This plant will not cause algae problem.
Propagate by dividing into smaller pieces, which become spherical over time.
Negligible maintenance required.
Common Name: Marimo/Moss Balls
Scientific Name: Aegagropila linnaei
Light: Low to Very High
Co2: Not Essential to growth
Level of Difficulty: Easy

Aegagropila linnaei is not a plant, but rather an algae. As a result, this is perhaps one of the very few algae species which are desired in the aquarium.

This algae tends to form itself in spherical shapes in select lakes; the round shape is primarily caused by constant moving by water currents that develop the ball on all sides. Among other places, these balls are found in Lake Akan in Japan, where they are a protected species due to their status as a National Treasure.

In the aquarium, these dense, dark green balls will survive in lower light conditions, without the presence of Co2, but will thrive in medium or higher light situations with Co2 and decent water column fertilization. Unlike other algaes, this will not spread throughout the aquarium and need not be feared. Even in good conditions, these algae balls are very slow growing, but higher light and nutrient rich conditions will of course hasten growth to a degree.

Due to the sponge-like nature of this algae, it is a magnet for debris. When the ball becomes unsightly or a cleaning is in order, simply remove the ball into a bucket of aquarium water and gently rinse it as one would rinse a filter cartridge. Then place the ball back into tank.

To ensure healthy growth, it is recommended to rotate the balls every so often to ensure that all sides are exposed to light and water current, that growth is evenly distributed, and that the round shape is maintained (the aquarium lacks the natural mechanisms that nature has use of to accomplish this task).

C. aegragrophila can be used in two manners. One is to leave the algae in spherical shape, the other is to try to flatten the ball out into a sheet, or smaller flat pieces, and place across the substrate, rocks, or wood. Leaving the ball flat is much easier and poses fewer problems regarding how to clean the debris that will inevitably collect.

To propagate, divide a large ball into several smaller balls. Growth is slow and it may take some time to develop the babies into adults. Larger specimens will become internally hollow (and will often float) and should be separated into smaller sections. The balls have the potential to become the size of a basketball – but these are undoubtedly quite old, especially if occurring in the wild where conditions are likely not to be optimal.

In the wild, these balls undergo a cycling of flotation where the balls will float up and then sink back down again, depending on the light and time of day. In the aquarium, when photosynthesis has caused pearling, or oxygen bubbles to form on the flora, the "plant" will be lifted up in the aquarium. When the lights turn off and photosynthesis slows down, the balls will sink again. This can be discouraged by weighing the Cladophora down with anchor weights, string, rocks, etc.

This "plant" is sensitive to very dim light, debris, and copper and other medications.
Та въпросите ми към това растение,което много ми хареса са :
1.Има ли го в българия?
2.Ако да къде,ако не как може да се направи внос?
3.Това същност водорасло ли е или растение?
4.Вреди ли нещо на рибите?
5.Ядът ли го?


Май Гонзо беше внасял. Или при Дискус.бг.
Дневникът на Николай Цветков
Не ме е яд, че ме лъжат. Яд ме е когато мислят, че им вярвам.


Малко съм зле с Англ. но доколкото разбрах от първите изричения, това е доста известно водорасло в Япония, използва ли го доста в техните аквариуми.Може да се отглежда в слабо осветени аквариуми, без да се подава CO2. Растяло добре и в средно и силно осветени аквариуми с подаване на CO2 и торене.За разлика от другите алги няма опасност да плъзне из целия аквариум.Дори в добро състояние расте бавно,но при наличието на силна светлина и богата на хранителни вещества среда растежа му се усилва значително.

Толкова от мен :-[ който е по-добре с англ. може да я преведе *DRINK*


това му викат калдафора или нещо такова - водорасло, което расте на колонии

бях си взел преди време две топки - не е претенциозно, но в никакъв акваскейп не можех да го вместя и затова ги подарих


Събирам заявки за кладофора :-).
Доставка- края на другата седмица.
Цената е 5 лв. за топка.


Цитат на: Big_gonzo - 05.07.2007 17:32
Събирам заявки за кладофора :-).
Доставка- края на другата седмица.
Цената е 5 лв. за топка.


В София, после и в други градове :-).


Цитат на: Big_gonzo - 05.07.2007 17:57
В София, после и в други градове :-).
ще взема 1 после още една
на пазара ли ще ги продаваш или със среща


на пазара другата събота


Цитат на: Big_gonzo - 05.07.2007 18:09
на пазара другата събота


всъщност колко саголеми тея неща?


колкото детско юмруче


Цитат на: Big_gonzo - 05.07.2007 17:57
В София, после и в други градове :-).
Ок, навит съм за 4, но в Пловдив!  ;-) Не са ми спешни но принципно искам!
Разни мои АКВАРИУМИ 


и аз ще взема  Гонзо и други ще ти поръчам да ми пратиш
https://aquariumbg.com/forum/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimages21.snimka.bg%2F004337306-big.jpg&hash=bcb12ac1a8ea9bc05ece7ad754acac2c391d86b7 https://aquariumbg.com/forum/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimages23.snimka.bg%2F005081977-big.jpg&hash=5525a7023a028aa2be5941dbb7f945fe4ef405fc


някой успя ли да зи вземе
и аз искам ама няма как да мръдна засега
кога ще има пак

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