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New 40 lt Nano Tank

Започната от remediless, 16.04.2018 16:08

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    Hi all,

    I just joined to the forum and writing in English as I am a foreigner living in BG and my Bulgarian language is very limited :) wanna share with you my new nano tank experience and pictures (starting from next week).

    After having lots of experience with a freshwater tank, I have decided to go with Reef tank and as I don't have that much space at home, decided to have nano tank.

    So I made my own aquarium from ClearGlass 38x38x35 and also got below equipment,

    • Sicce Voyager Nano 1000 for 37lv - Link
    • EHEIM JÄGER 75W thermostatic heaters for 35lv - Link
    • Caribsea hawaiian black live sand for 60lv - Link
    • 6kg dry rock for 20lv
    • LemanBest Reflectometer for 35lv - Link

    still, there are some stuff which I am looking to buy like;

    • HIPARGERO LED Aquarium Light 30w
    • Fluval C4 Filter
    • Eheim Skim Marine 100 nano

    Probably next week, I will start setting the tank up with RO water for first cycling period and will share with you pics also.

    The idea to have only 2-3 fishes, like 1 couple Clownfish and maybe one Goby with that some hardy corals like Mushrooms, Hammer Corals and maybe Xenia. 

    Hope my first attempt for reef tank will be a success :)

    thank you.
If at first, you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.


Hi, and welcome to the reef section of the forum.
I am glad to see that we have foreign reefers in Bulgaria.
Good luck with the start and waiting for the pics.

Regarding the Goby they are jumpers and you should have cover net or some top for sure, I have already lost one  :-( 
If you want to have Xenia coral, also would like to mention that its growing very fast and will occupy the whole tank... :-[


Thank you :) and thank you for advises also. Yea for the Goby, I will probably need to make some kind of lid or net still thinking. Maybe glass or Plexiglass Lid will be a better option as it will help for water evaporation as well. Maybe in a feature, I can get some ATO system or do it my self but since then, I can have issues with evaporation.

About Xenia, thats why wrote "maybe" :) still not sure but doing researches for corals, want something which is hardy and beatiful.

Also options are a bit limited in BG. I should visit some more Aquarium shops to see what corals are avaliable.

thank you.
If at first, you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.


check out whitecorals.com ,shpment to Bulgaria cost 70E for live stock (for dry goods is cheaper)  .They updated stock list on weekly basys and cover any loss of corals or fishes - just send a photo for proof within 24hrs from delivery and they will resend what you lost , no questions asking.
I just finished cycling my tank and everything checks out fine
tmp 80F/nitrate 0/amonia 0/nitrite 0
took a month too.
Is it safe to add the salt now?


Цитат на: beonedge - 16.04.2018 19:32
check out whitecorals.com ,shpment to Bulgaria cost 70E for live stock (for dry goods is cheaper)  .They updated stock list on weekly basys and cover any loss of corals or fishes - just send a photo for proof within 24hrs from delivery and they will resend what you lost , no questions asking.

Thank you, I know the site but since now had no chance to purchase something from them, still I have time as cycling the tank will take at least 2-3 weeks. I will be able to see all shops here in Sofia and if I can not find what I am looking, I will check German and Uk sites.

Is there a salt which you can advise? Normally on other forums and sites they are advising Red Sea Coral Pro and Instant ocean Reef Crystals. what salt you guys using ?

If at first, you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.



regarding the salt, in the beginning I used RS coral pro, the black basket, but now I have changed it to RS blue one, since with the coral pro the KH is to high for me and didn't have a lot of corals growing. I dont a lot of corals, but we will see, I decided to try it, I also red a lot of good opinions for Instant ocean, could try this one also  :-[.
In Sofia I can suggest to check the shops like: Exoticland, Akvarium.bg, where you can find a lot of good goods, sorry if I am making advertise.... :whistle:


Цитат на: gladnika - 17.04.2018 13:46

regarding the salt, in the beginning I used RS coral pro, the black basket, but now I have changed it to RS blue one, since with the coral pro the KH is to high for me and didn't have a lot of corals growing. I dont a lot of corals, but we will see, I decided to try it, I also red a lot of good opinions for Instant ocean, could try this one also  :-[.
In Sofia I can suggest to check the shops like: Exoticland, Akvarium.bg, where you can find a lot of good goods, sorry if I am making advertise.... :whistle:


let's see, then I can go with Instant ocean and share my experience after that with you if you think also to get it. I also saw many good comments for it, just in EU difficult to find Instant ocean itself, they are in EU market with a different name called "Aquarium System" Link. About stores :-D I am living closed by Mladost Akravium BG and checking their store weekly basis :). The other one never been but should see it also.

what fishes and corals having right now?

If at first, you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.


I love Instant ocean, cos it is cheap, synthetic. For 5 lv-kg, it is top ! But in 40 litres ,there is ok to buy RS Coral pro and add only salt in the tank forever. If I have 40 litres tank I will buy RS Coral Pro.
Welcome to the forum!!!
Where are you coming from?


Цитат на: trex700e - 17.04.2018 17:03
I love Instant ocean, cos it is cheap, synthetic. For 5 lv-kg, it is top ! But in 40 litres ,there is ok to buy RS Coral pro and add only salt in the tank forever. If I have 40 litres tank I will buy RS Coral Pro.
Welcome to the forum!!!
Where are you coming from?

Hey thank you :) just i am thinking to buy one big bucket salt to have it for a long time as for 20lt water they are recommending 640-650 gram salt. So point is to get one time but good one.

I am from Sweden

Getting more and more exited when i see huge reef community. :)
If at first, you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.


17.04.2018 18:34 #9 Last Edit: 18.04.2018 00:26 by trex700e
Hah, vi alla  kan tala  svenska i Bulgaria :) (Nej, nej, jag skojar)
Vi kan tala till varandra och andra människor kan inte förstå, det är toppen, oj oj!  :-D
Jag kan hjälpa med havet salt , jag har arton kilon Instant Ocean och vet en man som sälja IO i Bg, men här i Bulgaria RS är bättre att ha än Instant ocean när vi talar för 40 l akvarium.

Det är bra att ha havetakvarium här i Bg , allt är mycket billigare än i Sverige, men jag tror att du borde köpa "Innovative Marine" akvarium från Norge eller Sverige . Innovative marine Akvarium Nuvo nano 16 t.ex.(eller 8 eller 4 gal och så vidare) och skimmer (Ghostskim t.ex.)är bättre än Eheim! Hur bra som helst!Det (IM) är dyrt , tyvärr. Men jaf är besviken från marine eheim varor.
Kanske det  inte är okej att du köper en stor påse med salt. Du borde ha färsk salt -det är bättre att köpa två eller tre påsar av 4 eller 5 kilon ,än en påse av tjugo kilon t.ex.

Jag har en tjejkompis från ReefCentral.com -Åsa(hon är svensk också givetvis) från Kiruna (ÅsaKr. är hennes nicknamn i RC). Hon är jättebra på ekologi och med akvarium och jag kan presentera dig till henne, så hon kan hjälpa dig mycket.

Vad gör du här i Bulgaria?
(Ursäkta mig för dåliga svenska)


Aqua Forest is cheaper than IO (and not bad at all ) , but for said tank volume ,the salt price is unimportant IMO. Also , for your case ,it will be wiser to buy small packages (5kg) frequently ,than big ones
tank with AF salt : https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/aquaforest-display-tank-mixed-reef-3456l-912-gal.334372/page-4
I just finished cycling my tank and everything checks out fine
tmp 80F/nitrate 0/amonia 0/nitrite 0
took a month too.
Is it safe to add the salt now?


18.04.2018 08:02 #11 Last Edit: 18.04.2018 08:23 by trex700e
Цитат на: trex700e - 17.04.2018 18:34
Hah, vi alla  kan tala  svenska i Bulgaria :) (Nej, nej, jag skojar)
Vi kan tala till varandra och andra människor kan inte förstå, det är toppen, oj oj!  :-D
Jag kan hjälpa med havet salt , jag har arton kilon Instant Ocean och vet en man som sälja IO i Bg, men här i Bulgaria RS är bättre att ha än Instant ocean när vi talar för 40 l akvarium.

Det är bra att ha havetakvarium här i Bg , allt är mycket billigare än i Sverige, men jag tror att du borde köpa "Innovative Marine" akvarium från Norge eller Sverige . Innovative marine Akvarium Nuvo nano 16 t.ex.(eller 8 eller 4 gal och så vidare) och skimmer (Ghostskim t.ex.)är bättre än Eheim! Hur bra som helst!Det (IM) är dyrt , tyvärr. Men jaf är besviken från marine eheim varor.
Kanske det  inte är okej att du köper en stor påse med salt. Du borde ha färsk salt -det är bättre att köpa två eller tre påsar av 4 eller 5 kilon ,än en påse av tjugo kilon t.ex.

Jag har en tjejkompis från ReefCentral.com -Åsa(hon är svensk också givetvis) från Kiruna (ÅsaKr. är hennes nicknamn i RC). Hon är jättebra på ekologi och med akvarium och jag kan presentera dig till henne, så hon kan hjälpa dig mycket.

Vad gör du här i Bulgaria?
(Ursäkta mig för dåliga svenska)
haha *ROFL*, det är bra att se svenska talare. Jag ska PM dig.

Цитат на: beonedge - 17.04.2018 23:33
Aqua Forest is cheaper than IO (and not bad at all ) , but for said tank volume ,the salt price is unimportant IMO. Also , for your case ,it will be wiser to buy small packages (5kg) frequently ,than big ones
tank with AF salt : https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/aquaforest-display-tank-mixed-reef-3456l-912-gal.334372/page-4
Thank you for advice I will check the salt, I saw the company in some forums but as they are EU company not that much famous in US forums.

What about Water? you all go with RO water? I will go with buying RO water for first time from shop as I dont have still RO kit and not wanna use bottled water after seeing many comments on water.

If at first, you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.


Цитат на: remediless - 18.04.2018 08:02

What about Water? you all go with RO water? I will go with buying RO water for first time from shop as I dont have still RO kit and not wanna use bottled water after seeing many comments on water.


Du måste ta RODI sistem, men du kan börja med vatten från LIDL t.ex. På flaskan där skriver i bulgariska "Вода, добита по метода на обратната осмоза". Det är okej för akvarium och man kan använda det .

Стоян Михов

Welcome in БАЕ remediless.

@trex700e ,за английският съм съгласен, човекът е достатъчно културен и любезен да използва по-интернационален език и по-лесен за превод с гугъл преводача език, не мисля че има нужда да се пише на шведски в общия форум, разбрахме че го владееш, но мисля, че не е колегиално спрямо другите членове на форума да се води обща дискусия на този език. В крайна сметка затова има възможност за лични съобщения.


If at first, you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

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